300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Immerse Yourself in a Deeper, More Profound Yoga Experience

Overview :

The 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Rudransh Yogashala is a 28-day program designed for those who have already completed the 300-hour TTC. This advanced training offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves deeper into pranayama, shat kriya, asana practices, yoga philosophy, anatomy, yoga nidra, and meditation.

The training focuses on Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga styles, with six days of intensive practice followed by a rest day. On rest days, the school organizes excursions to sacred sites, waterfalls, or the city.

The course fee covers accommodation, meals, and excursions.

To become a certified yoga instructor through a 300-hour yoga teacher training, there are specific requirements you need to fulfill. First, a strong passion for yoga is essential, along with the desire to share that passion with others. You must be physically fit to handle the demands of advanced yoga practice. Here’s a breakdown of the basic requirements:

Susheel Bhatt

Yoga Instructor

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Experience :
10+ Years
Levels :
Intermediate to Advanced

Deep & Profound Yoga

Are you looking for deeper and profound yoga teachings, beyond the surface level yoga based only on physical postures?

Professional Trainers

Do you want a professional yoga teacher training for deep knowledge and skills to teach others with confidence?

The program covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Completion of 300-Hour Teacher Training: Before enrolling in a 300-hour course, you must complete a 300-hour teacher training program. This foundational course is a prerequisite and ensures you have a solid understanding of yoga practice and teaching fundamentals.
  • Strong Understanding of Yoga: You should have an in-depth knowledge of yoga practices, including asanas, pranayama, and meditation. This knowledge can be gained through personal practice or previous teacher training courses.
  • Effective Communication Skills: Being able to teach others requires excellent communication skills. You must be able to adapt your teaching style to suit different students’ needs.
  • Physical and Mental Fitness: As a yoga teacher, maintaining a level of fitness that allows you to demonstrate poses and lead a class is vital. Your practice will serve as an inspiration to students.
  • Regulatory Requirements: Depending on your country, additional requirements like being over 18 years old, having valid CPR certification, and passing a criminal background check may be necessary. Some regions also require that you train with a Yoga Alliance-accredited institution, like Divine Yoga Foundation in Dehradun.

Who Should Take Up the 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Are you looking to deepen your yoga practice and become a yoga teacher? Divine Yoga Foundation’s 300-hour yoga teacher training course in Dehradun is an ideal way to elevate your practice and teaching skills. This course is perfect for those who:

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training : Course Curriculum

Yoga Postures (Hatha & Vinyasa)
  •  Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  •  Astanga vinyasa flow – series 1 (review) & 2
  •  Surya namaskar (sun salutations I, II & III) – dynamic surya namaskar, surya namaskar with breath awareness, surya namaskar with 12 mantras with their bija-mantras
  •  Modifications of yoga asanas
  •  Types of yoga asanas – standing, sitting, backward bending, forward bending, spinal twisting, fire series, inversion, shavasana etc.
  •  Alignment & art of adjustment
  •  Preventing common injuries
  •  Counter pose
  •  Contraindications
  •  More on the yoga asanas benefits
  • Science of breath
  •  Advance postures for pranayama
  •  Reviewing the diaphragmatic breath
  •  Different practices of pranayama: nadi shodhana, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma, suryabhedi, and various types of kumbhaka pranayama and others
  •  Breathing for the advance yoga practices, such as chakra and kundalini
  •  Benefits or pranayama practices
  •  Guidelines for regular pranayama
  • Jalandhara-bandha (chin lock)
  •  Uddiyana-bandha (abdominal lock)
  •  Moola-bandha (root lock)
  •  Maha-bandha (great lock)
  • Introduction to the concept and practices of relaxation
  •  Relaxation of efforts
  •  Philosophy of yoga-nidra
  •  Sequence the advance relaxation practices
  •  31 points relaxation exercise
  •  61 points relaxation exercise
  •  Preparation for yoga-nidra
  •  61 blue star – yoga-nidra
  • Meditation in action
  •  Advance yoga asanas for meditation
  •  Reviewing the steps into basic meditation
  •  OM Kriya
  •  Spinal breath
  •  Sushumna breath through chakras
  •  Kundalini practices 1 & 11
  • System within the personality; A deeper understanding of human personality which contains physical and subtler bodies, such as; 10 active and cognitive senses, mind, intellect, and ego.
  •  Therapy principles for stress disorders
  •  Stress: Introduction
  •  Humoral theory (in ancient Indian medicine, Greek medicine & modern medical science)
  •  The Brain and its sub cortical centers
  •  Stress and Neuro-endocrinal changes
  •  Stress management through yoga:
    •  Asana (physical postures)
    •  Pranayama (breathing practices)
    •  Dhyan (meditation)
    •  More effect of yoga asanas on the muscles and body
    •  Nadis (energy channels)
    •  Chakras and Kundalini (energy plexus and coiled up energy)
    •  Advance learning about pancha kosha (five sheaths)
    •  More on the study of pancha pranas (five vital energy)
  • General introduction: six schools of Indian philosophy
  •  Elementary intro to Samkhya and Yoga philosophies
  •  The Yoga-sutras of Patanjali
  •  History of Yogic science
  •  Astanga-yoga: yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi
  •  Introduction to Vedanta (Yoga of the Upanishads)
  •  The yoga of the Bhagavad-gita
  •  The tantric yoga
  •  Yoga Ethics: yamas, niyamas, four brahma-viharas and more on the ethics of a teacher
  •  Daily life style of a sadhaka
  • Yogic and Ayurveda on the concept of life
  •  Philosophy of Ayurveda: body and mind
  •  The concept of tri-dosha: vata, pitta, and kapha
  •  The concept of tri-gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas
  •  Ayurveda and the balanced and healthy nutrients diet
  •  Balance of the mind and body through proper diet as in Ayurveda
  • Intro to mudras and their importance in yoga practices
  •  Mudra and its psychology
  •  The elements residing in the fingers and five mudras: akasha-mudra, jnana-mudra, agni-mudra, varuna-mudra, and prithvi-mudra.

 Note: Other important mudras are: dhyan-mudra, prana-mudra, apana-mudra, linga-mudra, shunya-mudra, vishnu-mudra, bhairava-mudra, and hridaya-mudra

  • Intro to meditation & mantra
  •  Understanding of the following mantras: aum, gayatri, trayambakam, guru, shanti etc.
  •  Understanding of morning, evening and meal prayers
  •  Surya-namaskara 12 mantras along with bija mantras and their understanding
  •  Pronouncing the names of the advance asanas
  •  Selected yoga-sutras recitation with their understanding
  • Jala-neti
  •  Sutra-neti
  •  Kunjala
  •  Trataka
  •  Agni-sara
  •  Nauli
  • Learning to instruct & guide
  •  Main points: Teaching to what you observe, Timing a class, Greeting/Centering, Sequence in teaching,
  •  Themeing a specific posture
  •  Classroom Organization
  •  Demonstration
  •  Health Concerns
  •  Language
  •  Modification in Posture
  •  The role of a teacher
  •  The practice and service of teaching yoga
  • Class sequences
  •  Develop intention for classes
  •  Self-evaluation
  •  Assignments
  •  Practice teaching
  •  Feed back
  •  Group discussion
  •  Question & answer
  •  Home work

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun, India: Daily Schedule

This intensive 6-day yoga teacher training in Dehradun offers a unique blend of rigorous practice and cultural immersion. Each day begins with a serene morning routine followed by insightful sessions on yoga philosophy and anatomy, and dynamic yoga practices.

Beyond the physical practice, the training incorporates cultural activities like Satsang and lectures. Weekly assignments foster deeper understanding and experiential learning. The program provides vegetarian meals and encourages early sleep for optimal energy and focus. By immersing yourself in nature and ancient spiritual practices, you’ll embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a skilled and enlightened yoga teacher.

Daily Schedule

Wake Up!
06:15 – 6:30
Mantra Chanting
06:30 – 7:30
Shat-kriyas & Pranayama Practices
07:30 – 9:00
Hatha Yoga (Classical)
09:00 – 10:00
Breakfast & Free Time
10:00 – 11:00
Yoga Philosophy
11:00 – 12:00
Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
12:30 – 13:00
Karma Yoga (Seva)
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
Self-Study / Self-Practice
16:00 – 16:15
Tea Break
16:30 -18:00
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
18:00 – 19:00
Relaxation & Meditation
19:00 – 20:00
20:00 – 21:00
Self-Study / Free-Time
Go to Sleep!
Note: Daily Schedule is subject to change.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun, India: Course Dates

This 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun is offered monthly, typically starting on the 24th of each month. You can plan your enrollment in advance for any month that suits you. The next few courses are scheduled for the following dates:

24th January – 20th February
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th February – 23rd March
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th March – 20th April
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th April – 21st May
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th May – 20th June
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th June – 21st July
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th July – 20th August
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th August – 20th September
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th September – 21st October
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th October – 20th November
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th November – 21st December
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India
24th December – 20th January
300 Hour YTTC in Dehradun, India


The course fee for the Rudransh Yogashala’s Yoga Teacher Training program includes all essential components for a transformative experience. The fee covers accommodation, three vegetarian meals per day, yoga materials, and guided excursions. Whether you are seeking to deepen your practice or become a certified yoga teacher, our program offers a comprehensive, value-driven package that ensures a holistic learning journey. Please contact us directly for detailed pricing, special discounts, or payment plan options.

Shared Triplet Room
US $1005
Shared Twin Room
US $1275
Private Single Room
US $1575

Course Fee

Book Your Spot: Minimum $200 deposit is required to secure your spot in the 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. The remaining balance is due upon arrival at the school.

Refund Policy

By signing and booking for your course at Rudransh Yogashala you are acknowledging that you have read, agree, and accept our School Policy and Code of Conduct. Please review our School Policy and Code of Conduct thoroughly.

School Policy & Code of Conduct

By booking your course at Rudransh Yogashala, you confirm that you have read and agreed to our School Policy and Code of Conduct. Please review these documents carefully.